Information on Joining this Group

It is very easy to join in the fun with the DuPont Ag Retirees Group. All you have to do is send a letter or an e-mail to Kent Reasons and he will send you the necessary information to join. For your information the annual dues for group is $15.00. Kent's address and e-mail information is noted below.

Each year a January newsletter is sent that requests the annual dues and updated contact information. In June the second newsletter contains the updated group directory. Both newsletters provide updates to the Group; 1) gives information on the past Annual Trip, 2) addresses the Current Year Trip, 3) provides a business update on DuPont Crop Protection and 4) informs group of members who have passed away. Throughout the year e-mails are used to provide the organization details of Current Annual Trip and other information about members of the group. All the above will be provided on this website or will be sent via e-mail and by surface mail for those members who do not have access to a computer.

Kents's home adddress is 29 Sapling Drive, Kennet Square, PA 19348 and e-mail address is For convenience here is a link to Kent's email

Group Announcements


Below are pictures from 2016 Reunion.